Widening Participation?

There was an interesting article in last week’s Birmingham Post (20/10/11):

The four universities in Birmingham have produced a plan to encourage poorer pupils in Birmingham schools to aim at university. The scheme seems very like the Widening Participation scheme which we used at BCU from 2000 to 2008 (when staff cuts put an end to it). Tutors took the Fasttrack of my course Breakthrough to Learning into secondary schools and Colleges of Further Education once a week to teach the academic language which is the basis of success in school. The new plan proposes something similar together with other activities such as summer schools, which we proposed but did not get funding for.

It is not clear from the article whether they are proposing to use my course for the new plan. I haven’t yet tracked down anyone to tell me.

Anyone know anything about this?

The Language of Learning


Welcome to the website of Mary Mason, the author of Breakthrough to Learning. This is a linguistics – based course for secondary schools, which teaches the language needed for academic success. When used systematically in Wigan 1984-91, the program had the effect of doubling the percentage of pupils gaining five or more GCSE’s grades A-C across the curriculum. (See Mason, Mason and Quayle 1992 under downloads.) Continue reading