We have arrived at chapter 6 of Michael Hoey’s book Lexical Priming. In earlier chapters he showed how each word is related to others by semantic patterning, grammatical usage (“colligation”), lexical connections (such as synonymy, antonymy etc.) and textual co-occurrence.
Chapter 6 is entitled Two claims:
The first claim is that words are patterned over a larger stretch of text than the context of up to seven words either side by the mechanisms of cohesion.
The second is that words are patterned together in order to make the major meanings of discourse structure: problem / solution, general / particular, compare / contrast, time order. (These structures, first propounded in Hoey’s early book On the Surface of Discourse, are taught in Book 3 of Breakthrough to Learning.)
We look forward to seeing if, by the end of the book, Hoey has justified his claim that his theory will make linguists re-evaluate the primacy of grammar as against a semantic description of English.