A Great Day!

 6th January 2014: Teacher Training Day at MMHS

 The new Head (former Deputy) happily recognizes the centrality of BtL to the learning ethos of the school. He allocated a whole day’s in-service training to making the eighty odd staff of the school aware of the remarkable success of the course in the English Department in 2012-13. Hopefully, they would begin to explore how BtL could help them in the teaching of their own subjects. Continue reading

Critical Discourse Analysis

I’m dismayed to find that I have not blogged for over two months! There’s been plenty going in my work with the school using BtL and also in my studies with my friends, but I have forgotten to share it with the world.

My friends and I have chosen a new book to work through and it has proved a winner. It is The Practice of Critical Discourse Analysis by Meriel and Tom Bloor.  I was recommended to it by an MA student in Applied Linguistics and it is excellent. Briefly, it makes the reader aware of how all the attitudes and beliefs about ourselves and others  that we take for granted are not natural but socially constructed largely, though not entirely, by language. Continue reading